For driving directions to our location, please use directions above in the Google map or click the map pin icon in our header.

IMPORTANT: If you are using a GPS Unit from your vehicle, the physical address for the inn may come up as 10 Bridge St. on some units. Programming 20 Main St. may take you to the town of Stonington, six miles away.


From the Bangor area/Bangor Airport
Deer Isle is a 1.5 hour trip from the Bangor Airport. From the airport, take Godfrey Road to Union Street. At the Union Street light, turn right. Follow Union Street to the 1-95 South Entrance. From 1-95 South, take the exit for Route 395 East (Bangor/Brewer). Follow for almost 2 miles and take Exit 4 for Route 15 South (Main Street). Stay on Route 15 South through Brewer and Bucksport. About 9 miles east of the town of Bucksport, watch for a right hand turn for Blue Hill and Route 15 South by the Shell station. Continue on 15 South through Blue Hill, then another 12 miles to the green suspension bridge that takes you over to Little Deer Isle. Drive another 5.5 miles to Deer Isle Village. After passing the Dow Rd. on your right at the start of a sharp hairpin curve, turn right on Main Street. Pilgrim’s Inn is just past the post office on the left and is a large red building.


From Portland and Points South
Pilgrim’s Inn is three hours from Portland. Take Interstate 95 (N) to Augusta, then take Route 3 (E) to Belfast. In Belfast, take a left onto Route 1 (N) and follow through the towns of Searsport and Bucksport (this is also route 15 and Route 3) About 9 miles east of the town of Bucksport, watch for a right hand turn for Blue Hill and Route 15 South by the Shell station. Continue on 15 South through Blue Hill, then another 12 miles to the green suspension bridge that takes you over to Little Deer Isle. Drive another 5.5 miles to Deer Isle Village. After passing the Dow Rd. on your right at the start of a sharp hairpin curve, turn right on Main Street. Pilgrim’s Inn is just past the post office on the left and is a large red building.